North Torrington Veterinary Hospital

Our Blogs

3 Ways to Prevent Parasites from Feasting On Your Pet

With warmer weather here, you’re itching to get outdoors to play and soak up some sun with your dog. But fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes enjoy warmer temperatures as much as we do. Keep these pesky blood-suckers from feasting on your furry pal and transmitting...

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Coronavirus and Your Pet

Along with the rest of the world, we are monitoring the recent Coronavirus outbreak. Currently, it is not proven that the virus can be transmitted from human to pet, but scientists continue to research this, and recommend that people who have been diagnosed with...

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I'm not sure what my fur brother and sister are bickering about. We have it made. Free food, treats, sleep all day, and gets lots of love around here. My only request when we get to the new clinic is, a nice box. Preferably a box with warm towels and...

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