North Torrington Veterinary Hospital

Our Blogs

3 Reasons Dogs Lick Their Paws

A lot of dog owners notice their dog constantly licking their feet and paws. This is a sign that may not be taken seriously, especially if it's just the occasional lick. However, there are times when they may lick so much that their paws become sore and bloody. When...

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5 Signs Your Pet Has Allergies

Did you know that pets are just as susceptible to allergies as humans are? Just like humans, they do not always show symptoms of having allergies. However, if you observe your pet through these 5 signs, you can tell if they have allergies: #1: Chronic itchiness...

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Tips for Grooming Your Pet This Summer

The summer weather often calls for a different grooming routine for your furry friend. Here are our team's tips for maintaining your furry friend's coat and helping them look their best.   #1: Avoid shaving double-coated breeds Although your thick-coated husky...

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