North Torrington Veterinary Hospital

Our Blogs

Tips for Introducing a New Cat

Are you considering bringing a new feline friend home? If you plan on bringing a new cat into a household where you already have pets, here are our team's tips for introducing a new cat to a current cat.   Step 1: Create separate resource areas for each cat Your...

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DIY Holiday Pet Toys

Pets are wonderful gift recipients. They appreciate anything you give them, regardless of how much time or money you spend. Make your pet’s Christmas special by crafting one of these four fun DIY gifts.   #1: Wrap a water bottle tug toy for dogs If your pup loves...

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Cold Weather Safety Tips for Pets

Winter is coming, and with it comes a host of hazards for your furry friend. Check out the following tips to keep your pet warm and safe during this chilly season.   #1: Provide warm bedding for your pet Give your pet a warm spot to sleep that is away from drafty...

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