North Torrington Veterinary Hospital
Our Blogs
Importance of Preventive Screenings for Your Senior Pet
4 Reasons Why Your Senior Pet Needs Early Detection Screening Tests It’s no secret that our pets do not live long enough. Along with a shorter lifespan—in relation to their human family members—come rapid health changes, particularly in their later years. Although...
3 Tips To Help Your Pet With Noise Aversion
Don’t Fear (the Fireworks): How to Help Your Pet Cope with Noise Aversion Many pets are scared of loud noises, whether they’re caused by the vacuum cleaner, construction, or fireworks. Although you may not be able to avoid all of these sounds completely, you can help...
4 Ways to Help Safely Handel Ticks with Your Pet this Summer
How to Safely Handle Ticks When Hiking with Your Pet Nothing sends the creepy-crawlies up your spine more than spotting a tick prowling across your pet’s skin. When taking advantage of the beautiful summer weather to go hiking with your pet, help them stay safe from...